
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Welcome to Never Just Jennifer. A blog about Quilting.

Hi there.
I’m Jen (or Jenn, or Jen F., or JenBob, or Guinevere, or Jenavive, or even Jen Robot (that one is a long story involving lots of split coffee and a creative friend with WAy too much time on his hands), or hundreds of other renditions of the name Jennifer) but never just Jennifer.
I am many things.  I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, and a cousin.  I am an analyst, a nerd, and an artist.  But the title I like best is Quilter.  This is my blog.
This is my space to share with you my love of all things fabric and quilts.  There will be WIPs (work in progress), UFOs (unfinished objects), HSYs (haven’t started yet), PHDs (projects half done), probably a couple of TGIFs (thank God it’s finished), maybe a few WOMBATs (waste of material, batting, and time), and even some finished quilts.  Along the way I’ll try to share insights and observations about the art of quilting and ultimately what it means to me to be a quilter.

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