
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Paper Piecing

This weekend I was able to start working on my challenge quilt for my local quilt guild.  Submissions are due in March each year.  Last year I had a great idea for the challenge but somehow March snuck up on me and I wasn't able to even begin the project I had in mind.  This year I am determined to do things differently.

The challenge theme this year is to make a quilt inspired by either our birthstone or our birth flower; for me that's topaz and chrysanthemums.  We are limited to the use of three colors only.  When I heard the birthstone part of this challenge I knew that I had the perfect pattern in mind to work with.  Sarah from {no} hats in the house has a beautiful paper pieced pattern out called Shine Bright (available as a purchased pattern from Craftsy) and it was just singing to me!  I knew it would be perfect for this challenge.  NLQG ladies, I'll know if you're reading this if a similar block shows up at the March meeting!

I am so excited to be working with a beautiful Oakshott Rainbow Orange Wraps Fat 8th Pack and Kona Cottons in School Bus, Orange, Carrot, Kumquat, Tangerine, Flame, Sunflower, Banana, Maize, Lemon, Canary and Citrus.  This is my first experience working with Oakshott and so far, I am NOT disappointed.  They really do live up to the hype that everyone seems to give them.  They are silky soft and a charm to work with and the colors are just amazing.  They have just the right amount of sparkle for this project.

Enough about fabrics.  What about the project?!  I was able to work on this for a few hours on Sunday as well as a few hours on Monday afternoon (I stayed home sick from work...ugh) and completed a little over half of the gem.  it was slow going at first but once I got back into the swing of paper piecing it was easy sailing.  I must admit, I was worried about wasting some of this beautiful fabric but so far I've been able to use up pretty much every scrap with very little waste.  Who knows, maybe I'll try some improvisational piecing to use on the back of the quilt with the rest of these little pieces.

And I must say, I think it's coming along quite nicely as a topaz gem stone.  What do you think?

Happy Quilting!

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