
Monday, July 28, 2014

Mosaic Tuesday - Navy, Papaya, Butter, & hints of Green and a Giveaway! {Quiltspiration 365}

Thanks to some of the lovely ladies over at Late Night Quilters I'm happy to introduce a new series of weekly posts I'm calling Mosaic Tuesdays (for lack of a better name at this point).  It's part of an effort we're calling quiltspiration365‬, intended to fulfill your every need when it comes to quilty inspiration 365 days a year.  You can find more posts about the series on Facebook and instagram using the hashtag #quiltspiration365 as well as links to the other posts this week below.  I'll be sharing color mosaics that inspire me, and hopefully you as well.  This will be an interactive series so I'll encourage you to post links to the color palettes that have been inspiring you lately!  Feel free to use these to inspire your projects I just ask that you link back to the original color pallet post to give credit.  So without further adu...

Today's mosaic palette is mood and sweet at the same time.  Dark Navy is balanced by Rich Papaya.  Bright Buttery Yellow give is a pop, and hints of Soft Green take it beyond the basic red, yellow, and blue color palette.

The best part about today is that I'm giving away a Fat Quarter bundle from my own stash in this color palette.  What do you think?  Do you like this palette in fabric as much as in a mosaic?  I do for sure.  Use the Rafflecopter widget at the end of the post to enter the giveaway.  Drawing ends on Friday, August 1st and I'll draw and announce a winner on Saturday.

This bundle includes 8 fat quarters of quilt shop quality fabrics, two yards worth of fabric!

Be sure to search for the hashtag #quiltspiration365 for even more inspiration!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

First a few rules.

1. PLEASE link back to my blog or put the Color Mosaic Button on your page.  You can find the button in our sidebar.
2.Please link directly to your blog post, not your whole blog.
3. Please keep it to a relatively recent post, let's say within the last 2 weeks.
4. Show us your color mosaics that have been inspiring you.
5. Have fun and visit at least two other links from the party.

Post your link below!


  1. I love love LOVE these colors! I just pulled out some corals/mustards for a quilt I'm going to start! Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. My quilting is inspired by all kinds of things: other quilts, architecture, paintings, nature, etc.

  3. Flowers and nature are my inspiration. Never enough flowers! Thanks for chance at the giveaway. Those colors are a new combo to work with. akronneseventeenatgmaildotcom

  4. I find inspiration in the oddest things. Right now, it's been FMQ inspiration in different patterns of sidewalks!

  5. Not the kind of prints I'm used to. There is always a starting point.

  6. Inspiration for colors usually comes from nature - gardens, storms, animals, etc. inspiration for quilting usually comes from the quilt top!

  7. Awesome giveaway! Thank you!!

    Fabric totally inspires my quilting!

  8. I find quilting inspiration in a lot of places, but I am drawn to the lines and patterns both natural and man-made the most. Color tends to be secondary for me, although sometimes I start with a color and go from there (just less often). :)

  9. beautiful colors!! colors in nature is what inspires me.

  10. Great color combinations and unusual patterns inspire me!

  11. Another gorgeous mosaic! I can't decide if I like this week's or last week's better. Walks are great for inspiration (gotta get up from that sewing machine and stretch every once in awhile).

  12. LOVE these colors and a giveaway too! This is gorgeous!

  13. What beautiful colors. Thank you for doing a giveaway also.

  14. I am inspired by fabrics that fit the person I am creating the quilt for. Also when I see a pattern that grabs me, I start looking for fabric to work with it.

  15. I love Papaya, Navy and greens refreshing.
    Thanks for the chance to win a bundle of my fav colors.

  16. I am inspired by people. :) The colors they like and the things they do, mostly. Thanks for the chance to win!

  17. My inspiration comes fromt he fabric itself. I like to spend some time with a particular fabric. Perhaps it will get me thinking of certain shapes or pictures. Of course, ither quilts are a great inspiration too. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  18. My quilting is definitely inspired by all the blogs I read. I'm still pretty new at this, so I love making my own versions of other people's patterns!

  19. Holidays and nature inspire me. Thanks for the giveaway.

    Sandy Hardman

  20. These are great colors - I like the fabric even better than the mosaic! I'm inspired by the work of others. There are so many talented quilters out there!

  21. I love this color combo! I spend way too much time drooling over all of the quilters' blogs and what they are making. Definitely a huge source of inspiration for me. :)

  22. Who would have thought the colors went together so well! Beautiful! I'm too matchy-matchy...I need to stretch my color choices! Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

  23. The people I care for inspire my quilting, because the quilts are usually for them! I love your palatte! Thanks for the chance to win!

  24. Mother Nature inspires me. Lovely fabrics, thanks for the giveaway.

  25. My mother-in-law. The woman has quilted FOREVER and is so much fun to go fabric shopping with. Thanks for the entry.

  26. I'm inspired by my kids and their dreams

  27. Looking through books of old blocks inspires me. I love all of the possible combinations.

  28. Love your colors. Inspiration for me usually comes from taking a walk or looking at others quilts. Really nature is the best. Yesterday I saw a purple and peach moth. Never saw that before. Odd colors that I would never put together but Mother Nature did.

  29. I like looking through books and pinterest :)

  30. So far color has been my inspiration to quilt! I love bright colors and how they play in assembling a quilt! Thanks for the giveaway!


I love hearing from you!