
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Mosaic Tuesday - Coral, Blush, Lavender, & Grape {Quiltspiration 365}

Thanks to some of the lovely ladies over at Late Night Quilters I'm happy to introduce a new series of weekly posts I'm calling Mosaic Tuesdays (for lack of a better name at this point).  It's part of an effort we're calling quiltspiration365‬, intended to fulfill your every need when it comes to quilty inspiration 365 days a year.  You can find more posts about the series on Facebook and instagram using the hashtag #quiltspiration365 as well as links to the other posts this week below.  I'll be sharing color mosaics that inspire me, and hopefully you as well.  This will be an interactive series so I'll encourage you to post links to the color palettes that have been inspiring you lately!  Feel free to use these to inspire your projects I just ask that you link back to the original color pallet post to give credit.  So without further adu...

Something a little softer this week.  The warm colors of fiery Coral and delicate Blush combine with the cool colors of wispy Lavender brighter Grape.  I love this color palette personally.  These are an analogous color scheme, meaning that they are all next to each other on the color wheel.  This makes the combination both soft and vibrant.  I don't generally work with a lot of purple but I may need to change that soon and make something in these colors!

The other posts from this week can be found here:

Kitty from Night Quilter brought us Color Inspiration Thursday
Sweet Dreams Quilting showed us some cute chicks
Yesterday Laura of Adventures of a Quilting Diva showed us her new Quilt Design a Day project
Tomorrow be sure to visit Sara Pitcher of Pitcher Family Adventures

Be sure to search for the hashtag #quiltspiration365 for even more inspiration!

First a few rules.

1. PLEASE link back to my blog or put the Color Mosaic Button on your page.  You can find the button in our sidebar.
2.Please link directly to your blog post, not your whole blog.
3. Please keep it to a relatively recent post, let's say within the last 2 weeks.
4. Show us your color mosaics that have been inspiring you.
5. Have fun and visit at least two other links from the party.

Post your link below!


  1. Very pretty palette! I love purple, but for some reason. It is very underrepresented in my stash. I may have to remedy that.

  2. I am not typically a huge fan of purple, but I love this pallet with the soft pinks and magentas!


I love hearing from you!