
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Mosaic Tuesday - Delphinium Inspired {Quiltspiration 365}

Thanks to some of the lovely ladies over at Late Night Quilters I'm happy to introduce a new series of weekly posts I'm calling Mosaic Tuesdays (for lack of a better name at this point).  It's part of an effort we're calling quiltspiration365‬, intended to fulfill your every need when it comes to quilty inspiration 365 days a year.  You can find more posts about the series on Facebook and instagram using  #quiltspiration365 as well as links to the other posts this week below.  I'll be sharing color mosaics that inspire me, and hopefully you as well.  Feel free to use these to inspire your projects I just ask that you link back to the original color pallet post to give credit.  So without further adu...

Today's palette is inspired by the colors of delphinium.  I picked up a bouquet of delphinium at the grocery store late last week and have been captivated by the rich depth of colors of this simple flower.  Everything from deep indigo and violet up to the palest, lightest lavender and blue you could imagine.  And it's all accented by the various shades of green at the center of each flower.  Truly lovely!  I believe I have a new found appreciation for these deep colors.

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: 1. Shweshwe fabric from Da Gama Textiles, 2. Pastel Lavender Irish Chain Crib Quilt, 3. Market Samples, Market Patterns, 4. Squeeeeeeeeee!, 5. 4 Blue Violet - Surly Squares Bundle, 6. Clouds and sky quilt, 7. Clayton/Michelle Quilt, 8. do.Good Stitches - INSPIRE circle mini quilt swap, 9. Barn Quilt, 10. Indigo and Violet Garden Quilt , 11. Modern Baby Quilt , 12. Fat Quarter Stash Club, 13. Moda Quilt Blocks, 14. Blue and Violet Wedding Ring Quilt, 15. Blue and Gray Equilateral Triangles Crib Quilt, 16. Reserved Custom Order for TMP

Be sure to search for #quiltspiration365 for even more inspiration!


I love hearing from you!