
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Round #2 - Heather @ QA Creations {Round Trip Quilts}

I had a lot of ideas when I first received Heather's beautiful Round Trip Quilts top.  Liz at Green Cheese Quilting had done an amazing job and I was very excited to dive into my addition to the top.  I had to laugh because Liz had some difficulty at the post office so the package looked all beat up but everything was there, right where it should be!

Heather sent me some extra words to work with half-way through but I already knew exactly what I wanted to make.  Eventually this pile of fabrics turned into a pile of blocks.  Then I had to get busy top stitching.

I used white thread to top-stitch my sample block but kept going back and forth about using some brighter colors.  It was a solid toss up between a beautiful purple variegated thread and some fantastic hot pink that was the perfect clashy-bright color.

The purple variegated won out.  It went with Heather's color theme better.  The color is good.  It blends nicely on some of the pieces and really pops on others, without being overwhelming.

I managed to finish up my addition on Friday after Thanksgiving, only three days late.  I was travelling for the weekend visiting family so I quickly snapped some shots in the snow on Saturday morning before I left the house and popped it in the mail as soon as we drove by an open post office.  Leanne, you should be seeing it soon!

The piece I added is nearly the same size as what Liz and Heather created but I think it will coordinate nicely with the rest of the quilt.  I like how my brighter pinks accent the pinks that Liz used to make her "waves".

When I was done piecing I had  20 extra window blocks and debated between keeping them to make another mini quilt or sending them along with the top for someone to add later.  I thought that since I already had a mini I should let Heather and her daughter enjoy them instead.  If you want to make some of your own, I wrote up a tutorial on how I made these.

Happy Quilting!

I'm linking up with Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story for the first time.


  1. Your blocks are a wonderful addition, Jennifer! The colors and theme for this top are really lovely, and it will be fun to see what Leanne adds next!

  2. I love the contrast between those bright windows and the background. Stunning!

  3. LOVE what you did here! These two blocks look great with one another :)

  4. Those blocks really look great with it! This one is so interesting because it's not put together yet into a regular quilt shape, so we can just make pieces and let someone else put it all together, or maybe I'll start putting it together...who knows! I can't wait to see it in person. Maybe it'll arrive before the week is out.

  5. Your group has many beautiful projects, but there is something about this one that I really love. I think it is the creative possibilities of the images and text. Gorgeous.

  6. Wow, this is beyond words. Just lovely


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