
Monday, April 13, 2015

Aurifil BOM Raffle Quilt

I have another finish to share!  I finished this quilt at the end of March and shipped it right off to a friend for a raffle at her daughters school.  My friend is PTO president and very involved with ALL the aspects of her children's lives so when she asked if I could make a quilt for the school I immediately jumped on it.  If anyone was deserving of such a thing, it's her!

This large quilt was made using my homeless 2014 Aurifil BOM blocks.  I started these in January of last year and unfortunately only made it through to the August block.  They were fun to make but I didn't have the time to finish the rest of the blocks and to be quite honest, they weren't really speaking to me anymore.

The blocks themselves are coral, peach, and orange with low-volume backgrounds.  Because I was on a deadline to finish it up, this quit is made up of a lot of "make-it-work" moments.  I decided to use my hoarded Nanny Bee in coral print by Heather Ross for a bright and fun background, but the blocks got lost in all the red.  So to make it work I added the green borders around each block.  The layout came about  because I only had 8 blocks to work with and I really wanted to make the quilt a more substantial size.  For the backing I used some on-hand extra wide fabric in a rich purple color.  I also bound the quilt using the Cricket Clover print from the same Heather Ross collection. 

I machine stitched the binding down using a blanket stitch on my Janome.  I figured it would make for a more durable quilt in the long run.  For the label I used a piece of some also long hoarded Heather Ross fabric.  I think this one is called Bicycles I Have Loved.  Another bicycle makes an appearance on the front in the block you can see just off to the left in the picture below.  The label is my favorite part of this quilt!

The best part about this quilt is that my friends daughter loved the quilt so much that they ended up taking it home with them from the fundraiser night.  It now happily lives in their living room!


  1. Very nice, and a great way to use up some languishing blocks! I hope the quilt helps raise nice money for your friend's school.

  2. The green really works! Great idea to make them stand out from the coral. Love the label!

  3. I love it! Thank you for sharing your inspiration!

  4. I love the layout you used for these orphaned blocks. I would have never thought to put the green with the orange but wow does it work so well! Sometimes the projects where we push through "make it work" moments are the best. I love it when I have a Tim Gunn moment, I pretend he's overseeing my project saying things like "Darling, you're the expert when it comes to quilting, not me, but you know what the judges are looking for so, make it work" :)


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