
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Voting is Open! | Pantone Quilt Challenge 2015

Voting is now open for the 2015 Pantone Quilt Challenge (#PantoneQuilt2015).  Visit either of the two challenge hosts blogs to vote for your favorite by clicking on the heart in the top right corner of the link up image.    You get one vote per category!  Voting is open until 6pm 29 April 2015 NEW ZEALAND TIME!  (That's 2AM on 4/20 here on the east coast).

Good luck to everyone!

Anne at Play Crafts

Adrienne at On the Windy Side

If you like my Two Birds, One Stone quilt best, I'm #5 in the Quilts category.  

Two Birds, One Stone hanging at our local guild show a few weeks ago.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I voted for you :) then struggled to leave this comment using my phone haha

  3. I voted for this quilt - I really love it!!

  4. The more I see pictures of this quilt the more I love it. My goodness...the patience with those little triangles. Do you have a count on how many triangles are formed in the quilt? That'd be like guessing how many M&Ms are in a jar I suppose :)


I love hearing from you!