
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Triangle Quilt Along - (almost) Finished Top

I know I've been pretty flaky with posting the last two weeks.  Sorry!  Things have been very busy at work and I'm starting some new training so it's going to be even more hectic.  Read: Not much energy for sewing.  I do have a partial finish to share with you.  I've been steadily plugging away at my triangle quilt top at night; averaging one row a day.  I'm not going to finish in time for the big link-up party but I'm still really happy with what I've got so far and can't wait to get the whole thing finished.   Sorry in advance for the low quality pictures courtesy of my phone and instagram.

finally sewing rows together
I got to sewing the rows together this weekend and once I got the hang of it, it went pretty quickly.  It did still take me all of Saturday (and a glass of sangria) to finish sewing them together.  I am not a "pinner".  Instead I usually try to choose patterns that don't have any points to match! Is that cheating?  This quilt, however, required LOTS of pins: one at each intersection and one in the middle of each intersection for stability.  I did manage to only stab myself a handful of times!  Yay for the small wins.

nearly done
I laid the finished quilt top out on our queen size bed (the only surface in our house large enough) once I had it all complete.  I'm in love with the overall effect!  The only thing I'm not loving right now is that it's very long and skinny; longer than our bed but just barely wider than the top.  I'm thinking I'll remove 4 of the green/yellow rows and move them to the back of the quilt to help even out the odd dimensions.

(nearly) finished quilt top.
Originally I was thinking I would leave the pointed edges along the sides but at some point I realized that the rows point the same direction.  In other words I did an even number of blocks per row instead of a odd number.  So the ends of one row both angle the same direction.  I have a feeling this is going to drive me a little bit crazy so now I'm thinking I'll just trim them square.

spring flowers
This color palette has really been on my mind recently too.  I didn't realize until I got home that I purchased flowers in the same colors as my quilt top.  I'm linking up with this weeks WIP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.


  1. I think we're kindred souls… I also have a picture of a glass of wine on my sewing table on my blog from last summer! I did a triangle quilt last fall too! Yours is lovely - really like the colours you chose. I staggered the rows and added a solid colour border in order to make it a bit bigger, maybe that would work for you too?

    1. Haha that's great! I thought about adding borders along just the vertical edges but I really intended it to be a couch quilt for our house (the size got a bit out of hand!) so I think that throwing some rows on the back is going to workout nicely. Although that does required un-sewing so ultimately, I'll probably just leave it the way it is! Thanks for the tips.

  2. Love the quilt and the layout. It's always hard for me to cut off the edges of triangles but I think it'll work out great in the end. Hard not to get that palette stuck in your head, it's so pretty!

  3. great job on the triangle quilt! I am in love with triangles right now too :)

  4. Great colors! Love your triangle quilt! Triangle quilts are one of my favorites though I haven't tried one yet...

  5. Thank you so much! I never thought I could make one because it was "above my skill level" but I'm so happy I did! I love it and it was surprisingly easy!

  6. I can't wait to see this finished! That looks like a LOT of work.

  7. Very nice. Gorgeous colors. I might be inclined to change the ratio for a bed quilt, but I love really long couch quilts. I want to be burrowed down and tucked in all around! :)

  8. Looks great. I haven't moved onto sewing my rows yet, and I'm not a pinner, either, so I'm not looking forward to that at all! :)

  9. I am a glass-of-wine-while-sewing kind of girl too, but I make it a rule never to cut out after that one glass of wine. I just don't trust my accuracy! Sewing is OK; I can unpick any tipsy oopsies. (I have also had at least one disastrous spill where I had to remake a wine-stained block. Whoops!)


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