
Monday, August 25, 2014

Round Trip Quilts

First things first: I was tagged by two people for the  Around the World Blog Hop.

The First is Chelsea at Patch the Giraffe.  Hop on over and see her post from today then check back next Monday, September 1st for mine!  Chelsea is an incredibly talented quilter and has simply amazed me with the amount of things she's completed over the course of the summer (puts me to shame!).  Plus she's from the Granite State like me! (Now we just need to find a time to meet up in person).

The Second is Leanne at Devoted Quilter.  You can see Leanne's post here.  Leanne's bright and colorful quilts are unique and fun!  She just finished a massive english paper pieced quilt top that is just stunning!  Leanne is also a member of the Round Trip Quilts group.  I'll be getting her quilt last and I can't wait!

I'm continuing work on my center block from last week for the Round Trip Quilts round robin bee that is just starting up!  We're supposed to mail by 9/1 so I still have a few days to get my block finished.  I have completed five NY Beauty blocks so far.  I plan on making 9 total then choosing my favorites to include in my center block.  I showed you block one last week.  Here are blocks 2 through 5:

Block #2
Block #3 | I just love Mirror Dots
Block #4 | Managed to sneak in some Heather Ross
Block #5 | My favorite so far!

My curves are getting steadily better as I move through the blocks which I'm very happy to see!  Pat at Life in the Scrapatch had the brilliant idea that this is actually at New Hampshire Beauty block!  With her permission, I have commandeered this name and will henceforth be referring to my quilt as the New Hampshire Beauty quilt!  I just love how they all look together!

Blocks #1-4

Round Trip Quilts now has a Flickr group and you can follow us on Instagram using #roundtripquilts!  You can also find a summary of all of our posts on my Round Trip Quilts page in the toolbar at the top of the page!

The full list of members is below:

Heather at QA Creations

Leanne at Devoted Quilter

Kim at Ties That Bind Quilting

Liz at Green Cheese Quilting

Mary at See Mary Quilt

Christina at WIPs and Tuts

Jennifer at Never Just Jennifer

Chelsea Huckins at Patch the Giraffe


  1. They do look great together, and it is hard to pick a favorite, but I love the blue you added into #5. :)

  2. I don't know how you're going to pick a favourite! I think I'd have to use them all!

  3. I love those blocks! What will you do with the extras that do not become part of the centre of your round robin medallion?

  4. Thanks for the kind words ... we so need to plan a meeting!!!! Love your center block, I am already thinking of New Hampshirey ideas to add to this one :) Still thinking how the Old Man can go on there????


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