
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

2015 Finish-Along {Q3 Goals}

I did pretty good on following through with my goals from Q2.  Read about my goals and what I finished here and here.

Now to set some goals for Q3.  I'm taking the approach of listing all potential finishes with the hope that I'll finish 4-5 of them.

1. Finish Commission Quilt 2 of 2.  Read about the first one here.

2. Photograph and blog my Modern Hexi's Mini Quilt.

3. Finish hand sewing the binding on this commissioned baby quilt for a family member.

4. Finish my Rocky Mountain Puzzle bee block quilt.  I need to make a few more blocks then put the whole thing together.

5. Finish making additional blocks for my Low Volume Scrappy Trip Around the World quilt then put the whole thing together.  I think I want to back this one in Voile or Lawn for a nice, light, summer quilt.  (This is part of my LQG 2015 challenge.)

6.  Make fabric baskets for Mom and I to use in our locker at the gym.using the One Hour Basket pattern.  I'm going to use some of the Cotton + Steel prints I got during the VT Shop Hop.

7. Finish my Modern Double-Cross Quilt.  It's a graduation gift for a cousin who graduated high school LAST YEAR.  No pictures yet, since it's a surprise.  (This is part of my LQG 2015 challenge.)

8.  Bind the wedding quilt made for my Uncle and Wife who got married in October 2013.  Also very late.

9.  Complete my Delectable Mountains quilt.  I need to finish making the blocks and sew the whole thing together.

10.  Finish the signature quilt from our wedding.  This one will also depend on USPS and how fast they can mail some additional blocks to and from people who weren't able to sign blocks already.  (This is part of my LQG 2015 challenge.)

11.  Sew together this massive pink, grey, and yellow bee block quilt.  (This is part of my LQG 2015 challenge.)

12.  I have fabric washed and pulled and patterns picked out to make some new shirts to add to my wardrobe rotation.

13.  I joined the #SimplyMiniSwap on Instagram and will be making a simply awesome mini quilt for my secret partner.

14.  Finish ripping stitches and then re-quilt my Triangle Quilt Along quilt top.  I wasn't happy with the quality of the straight line quilting I started with.

15.  Finish up some secret sewing for a blog hop coming up very soon!

16.  Sew the final hem on my Colette Dress.  I took the sides in to make it more fitted and just need to hem it!

17. Make a matched pair of quilts using bee blocks I received about two years ago.  I know who they are intended for but I can't say on here.


  1. That is a big list - I hope you can cross many items off it this quarter! :)

  2. Lots going on - love the LV scrappy trip!

  3. Goodness! You like to set yourself a challenge! That is a long list.

  4. That's just for one quarter?!? You go girl! Good luck with getting everything done.

  5. Wowzer ~ that's quite a list for this quarter!! Love all the works-in-progress ~ can't wait to see what you do with them. :) I found your blog through the Quilted Living Blog Hop ~ love your blog!


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