Monday, July 28, 2014

Mosaic Tuesday - Navy, Papaya, Butter, & hints of Green and a Giveaway! {Quiltspiration 365}

Thanks to some of the lovely ladies over at Late Night Quilters I'm happy to introduce a new series of weekly posts I'm calling Mosaic Tuesdays (for lack of a better name at this point).  It's part of an effort we're calling quiltspiration365‬, intended to fulfill your every need when it comes to quilty inspiration 365 days a year.  You can find more posts about the series on Facebook and instagram using the hashtag #quiltspiration365 as well as links to the other posts this week below.  I'll be sharing color mosaics that inspire me, and hopefully you as well.  This will be an interactive series so I'll encourage you to post links to the color palettes that have been inspiring you lately!  Feel free to use these to inspire your projects I just ask that you link back to the original color pallet post to give credit.  So without further adu...

Today's mosaic palette is mood and sweet at the same time.  Dark Navy is balanced by Rich Papaya.  Bright Buttery Yellow give is a pop, and hints of Soft Green take it beyond the basic red, yellow, and blue color palette.

The best part about today is that I'm giving away a Fat Quarter bundle from my own stash in this color palette.  What do you think?  Do you like this palette in fabric as much as in a mosaic?  I do for sure.  Use the Rafflecopter widget at the end of the post to enter the giveaway.  Drawing ends on Friday, August 1st and I'll draw and announce a winner on Saturday.

This bundle includes 8 fat quarters of quilt shop quality fabrics, two yards worth of fabric!

Be sure to search for the hashtag #quiltspiration365 for even more inspiration!

First a few rules.

1. PLEASE link back to my blog or put the Color Mosaic Button on your page.  You can find the button in our sidebar.
2.Please link directly to your blog post, not your whole blog.
3. Please keep it to a relatively recent post, let's say within the last 2 weeks.
4. Show us your color mosaics that have been inspiring you.
5. Have fun and visit at least two other links from the party.

Post your link below!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Introducing Quiltspiration365 and Mosaic Tuesdays {Quiltspiration 365}

Thanks to some of the lovely ladies over at Late Night Quilters I'm happy to introduce a new series of weekly posts I'm calling Mosaic Tuesdays (for lack of a better name at this point).  It's part of an effort we're calling quiltspiration365‬, intended to fulfill your every need when it comes to quilty inspiration 365 days a year.  You can find more posts about the series on Facebook and instagram using the hashtag #quiltspiration365 as well as links to the other posts this week below.  I'll be sharing color mosaics that inspire me, and hopefully you as well.  This will be an interactive series so I'll encourage you to post links to the color palettes that have been inspiring you lately!  Feel free to use these to inspire your projects I just ask that you link back to the original color pallet post to give credit.  So without further adu...

Today's mosaic is inspired by rich ripe raspberries still on the vine set against the bright blue sky of summer.  It's dominated by sharp Chartreuse, Aqua, rich Leafy Green, bright Pink, and deep Plums.

The other posts from this week can be found here:

Kitty from Night Quilter brought us Color Inspiration Thursday {10}.
Chelsey from Nini & the Sea gave us a Weekly Inspiration Linky Party.
Caroline from Artfully Caroline started out this week with Quiltspiration 365 : A day of wonder and wander.
Yesterday Adventures of a Quilting Diva showed us muse monday: agra red fort
Tomorrow is Brenna Ryan Kotar from Be Knit Picky

Be sure to search for the hashtag #quiltspiration365 for even more inspiration!

First a few rules.

1. PLEASE link back to my blog or put the Color Mosaic Button on your page.  You can find the button in our sidebar.
2.Please link directly to your blog post, not your whole blog.
3. Please keep it to a relatively recent post, let's say within the last 2 weeks.
4. Show us your color mosaics that have been inspiring you.
5. Have fun and visit at least two other links from the party.

Post your link below!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Orange Peel Progress

I've made lots of progress since Thursday when I first told you about the Orange Peel Quilt Along.

A color palette and fabrics were chosen.  I borrowed this quasi-red, white and blue theme from Chelsea at Patch the Giraffe.  (Don't worry she knows!)

Then I got to work pieced the background squares, 2 1/2 inch half-square triangles.  I used this super fast method to make 8 at a time.

And ended up with this lovely piece of patchwork all laid out on the floor.  Fun right?

Then it was time to make the orange peels.  I used this method.

And when I was done laying them all out.  They looked like this.

Now to start fusing them down.

I'm linking up with this weeks WIP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Final Day of the New Quilters Blog Hop!

Today is the last day of the 2014 New Quilt Blogger Blog Hop hosted by Plum and June.  Thank you to everyone who joined in the hop and to all of the new friends and followers I've found through this process!  I hope that I'll continue to be able to share my quilting adventures with you!

In the mean time, be sure to visit the wonderful new bloggers below!

Serena @ Sew Giving
Carmit @ Quilting Rainbows 
Jenny @ Jack's Room
Elli @ Lovelli Quilts

Sally @ Wonky Patchwork
Leanne @ Devoted Quilter
Karen @  Capitola Quilter

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Orange Peel QAL

Have you heard about the Orange Peel Quilt along happening over at the Quilt Habit?  It's running June 30th through September 8th with a link-up opening on August 23.  There will be four prizes awarded at the end for Viewer's Choice, Quilts (shortest side longer than 30"), Just the Top (for unfinished quilt tops), and Mini's (longest side shorter than 30").  Check out Jess's kick-off post for more details!

Orange peels have been on my bucket list for awhile, though I don't think I included them on my Quilt Bucket List earlier this year...  There are just so many amazing things I want to make but forget about!  I saw one inspiration photo that really drew me in and I felt so inspired.  It's from Three Kitchen Fairies.  You can find her full post about the quilt here.

So using this beautiful quilt as a launch pad I sketched a design out.  Ignore the colors for now.  These just happened to be the pen colors I had on hand at the moment.  Though the don't look to bad together.   It's fun.  It's edgy.  It's a little haphazard and just far enough outside of my comfort zone to be exciting!

I picked up some super light weight fusible interfacing this afternoon and plan on trying this approach to making the orange peels.  I like that there's no needle turning involved.  Easier is always better in my book.  I'll pull fabric tonight and hopefully get started soon!  I'm thinking a loosely defined red, white and blue color palette?

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

More Selfish Sewing

It feels good to be a little selfish sometimes.  I spend so much time sewing gifts for other people and hardly ever keep anything I make for myself.  I've been feeling a little blah about sewing and quilting recently (completely technical measure of feeling, I know).  Part of it is because the beautiful summer weather, part of it is a little bit of depression kicking in, and part of it was that I just wasn't having fun.  Then last weekend I made two Wiksten tanks and BAM!  My sewing mojo was back!  Last night I had some down time so I decided to make some more.

The first was made using Carolyn Friedlander's Botanics lovely cream and gold print.  This one went together really fast.  I learned from the last Wiksten that I made out of quilting cotton (using the new Arizona line) that it makes the tank fit a little smaller in the bust so I adjusted my sewing accordingly.  It fits beautifully and I'm wearing at work today!  I can't wait to show it off at my local quilt guild meeting tonight.

For Wiksten #4 I'm using April Rhode's Arizona print Triangle Tokens in Voile.  This fabric is much harder to work with than the other three I've made so far; it's very slippery.  I started by starching the heck out of it and that seems to have helped a little bit at least.  I got the pocket sewed on last night before hanging up my scissors for the night.

I'm linking up with this weeks WIP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.

On a different note, today is the last day of the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop so be sure to check out these amazing new quilt bloggers in your online reading this week:

Janet @ Simply Pieced
Kristyn @ Melon Patch Quilts
Rachel @ Quiltineering
Heather @ QA Creations

Jenn @ Sew Crafty Jenn
Cheryl @ Texas Quilting Gal
Lin @ Lin's Quilts
Pam @ Sewing Wilde
Shauna @ Shauna's World

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Selfish Sewing

I seem to have found some sewing mojo again.  We had a long weekend here in the US for Fourth of July and I spent all day Thursday and some of Friday sewing clothes of all things!  While I was in Burlington for Vermont Quilt Festival I visited Nido and picked up the pattern for a Wiksten tank.

When I got home on Thursday after work I decided to dive in and I'm so glad I did!  I had some beautiful Chambray Dot from Robert Kaufman that I originally picked up for a Laurel Dress sitting around and decided to start with that.   It took me about 2 hours to make this tank.  I was really impressed with how easy it was!  I did make one adjustment.  I didn't feel like making bias tape to finish the edges so I folded them over and top stitched instead.  It was simple and still gave the tank a nice finish.

I wore this tank for the fourth of July, to complete my subtle Red, White, and Blue outfit for the day, and again on Saturday.  I love it!

Husband and I on the fourth of July

Since the first one was so easy and I was incredibly excited about it, I made another!  This time I used some Arizona fabrics I purchased  when they first became available.  I had just enough of this Agave Field print for the front and used some coordinating solids for the back.  You can just see in the middle picture below that the back is color blocked.  The top half (and the pocket) is the Sweet Mint and the bottom half is Nocturnal.  This tank was equally simple to make.  The only difference was that finishing the edges was much easier on this quilting cotton.  I wore this shirt to work on Monday and was so proud of my secretly homemade shirt!

On Friday morning, I finally worked on my Laurel Dress.  I took a class with Nido back in March or April and needed to take the dress in a bit at that time.  Since then, I've lost close to 12 pounds so now it was really big on me.  Some pines later I had a nicely fitted dress.  I still need to hem the bottom and I think I make take up the sleeves a little bit so that they hit above the elbow but then I'll be done!  I can't wait to wear this one too!