It's been quite around here lately, I know. Work has been very busy the last few weeks plus we've finally cast off the last remnants of winter here in northern New England. The weather has been absolutely glorious and my desire to be indoors has been minimal. I'm also busy finishing up the first of two custom commission quilts before I leave for a weeks vacation in Florida with my mom. (subtext: I'm so excited! I've never been!!) I've started packing up my toiletries for next week and realized I didn't have a bag big enough to hold everything, so last night when I got home from the gym I wanted to remedy that.
Enter the
Open Wide Zipper Pouch by
Generally I'm afraid of anything three dimensional when it comes to sewing but I said to myself, "
Aww screw it! Worst case scenario is: it comes out terrible, in which case I'll probably still use it!" So in I went.
I went back and forth about which size to make and finally decided to make the large size. Go Big or Go Home!! According to the tutorial the large size should finish at 8.5″ H x 8″ W but mine is closer to 8.5" H x 12" W! I'm not sure if I did something wrong along the way, but I'm not complaining about the size at this point.
I used
pearl bracelets in Shadow for the bottom and a tonal cream and tan print for the top. I can't remember the designer or where I got it from so if anyone knows I'd love the details! I fused the outside to some Pellon 803 (I think) to help the bag hold it's shape. According to the tutorial this is optional but I would definitly include it on all the pouches I make in the future. I had a random invisible zipper from an unmade clothing project laying around that I used. Next time I think I'll use a heftier zipper. This one works for now but I worry about the abuse it will take while the pouch is in use.

I used a greyish-brown Moda Grunge for the inside of the pouch. I figured since it was going to get dirty I mind as well use something that will at least hide a little bit of the dirt. For the pull tag I wanted to add in some color but my husband veto'd all the bright scraps I pulled out. I finally settled on this bit of aqua and lime scrap. I think it's from the Denyse Schmidt Chicopee collection. I just thought the back ground matched the top half perfectly and the floral pattern is accented with bits of black here and there to tie in the bottom.
Overall this bag took me about an hour to make. I'll definitely be makings some more. The tutorial was easy to follow and the bag was fun to make!